Monday, August 16, 2010

General Reflections

Here, at the CISS at Trinity Programme, I have really enjoyed improving my English with other students from other countries. I've made a lot of friends! People should come here and visit Toronto because this city has something special to offer ... really!
Christina - Spain

It's always nice to meet people from different places. There are a lot of different countries represented at school and it's so much fun to learn about the customs of others. If you like to make friends, this is a very good place to do so. Moreover, this part of Toronto, University of Toronto's campus, is beautiful. There are a lot of things to see near Toronto as well, such as Niagara Falls. I think you would like this place very much.
Gautier - France

I've been here for three weeks and I have met so many nice people from other countires. I will especially remember two girls from Germany, Antonia and Laura. I have also met many wonderful people from Japan. I'll never forget these friends and I'm sure we'll meet again someday! It has been really nice to meet all of these wonderful people. I have not only improved my English but I have also learned to say things in other languages!
Alisa - Taiwan

While in Canada I have visited so many places, like the CN Tower and the Roger's Centre (to see a Toronto Blue Jays baseball game!). I will also go to see a basketball game (Canada versus France) at the Air Canada Centre. One of the greatest experiences I have had in Toronto was my trip to Toronto Island. It was relaxing to stay on the island and it was energizing to go kayaking in Lake Ontario! Walking around Chinatown and Little Italy was a new way to experience different cultures in Toronto!
Sergio - Spain

Toronto has a lot of museums, gallaries, theatres, and other interesting things to see. I enjoyed exploring the gallaries in the Distillary District. An amazing place I will always remember is Kensington Market, one of the most multicultural places in the city. If you want to relax you should visit Toronto Island and view the skyline of the city in the evening. It's amazing!
Pablo - Spain

Spending three weeks with CISS at Trinity College will be an unforgettable memory. I have improved my English a lot because there are friends from all over the world. With a positive attitude it has been easy for me to get used to living here. One of my favourite places is Canada's Wonderland. There are so many exciting rollercoaster rides in this park! I will never forget Toronto!
Lily - Taiwan

Toronto was a very nice place to improve my English and to meet wonderful people from different countries. I met my Kartoffel, which includes Ighor, Rosie, Lilly, J, Mario, Marco, Javier, Gautier, and Timothee. We all have big plans to visit each other! It would be difficult to write about one person so I have mentioned nine special friends! Thank you!
Antonia - Germany

I have had a lot of special eperiences in Toronto but in my opinion the best experience has been getting to know and speak with other students. In classes, on walks, on field trips, at lunch and at dinner I have spoken to many people. English has been the perfect tool and the best way to open my mind and life these unforgettable moments. If I had to choose one special place it would be Niagara Falls. The first place I thought of when I chose this country was Niagara Falls because I had always believed that the falls would be an impressive place to visit and it was true! I felt very small next to the falls. Visiting places with Sandra, Ana, Paqui, Gerogina, Africa, Paqui, Georgina, Arisa and Megumi was very special.
Monica - Spain

At first I was nervous because my English is poor and I'm shy. But I enjoyed Canadian life so much because everyone was kind and friendly. I spoke with a lot of students about our different cultures. My dream is to become an English teacher. This experience has helped me to improve not only my academic skills in English (i.e. grammar) but also my communication skills. Even if I cannot speak perfect English it is important to try to talk with as many people as possible. I have had a wonderful time and I want to thank everyone for everything!
Nozomi - Japan

This summer I got to meet so many people from so many different places. I have met people from Spain, Mexico, France, Italy, Taiwan, Japan, and so on. I'm sure I will see some of these students again. Six weeks is a lot of time to spend with people. Every Saturday was very sad because some students would leave to return to their homes every week. Mondays were exciting though because that's when we got to meet students who just arrived. Spending six weeks away from home can be difficult at times and I'm happy that some of my friends cheered me up whenever I missed my family. I think the best place in the city is Toronto Island. I love it! It has an amazing view of the city and it also has some nice beaches. The view of the city from the island at night is spectacular!
Paqui - Spain

I think it's important to learn to speak English because so many people use it around the world. I would like to work in film. Toronto has helped me over the past four weeks, first with the classroom and second with meeting so many different people. I will never forget my time staying at Trinity College.
Timothee - France